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      1. information:首頁 > language > English > zhangjiajie news

        The transformation and upgrading of the cultural industry will bring new opportunities to Zhangjiaji

        from:Zhangjiajie News Network writer: Read:


                  2012 Spring Festival Gala has been successfully ended, but the towntalk about “Pursue Love” program in “Zhangjiajie • Charm Western Hunan” still continues. Its appearance indicates that Zhangjiajie tourism entertainment industry is entering the “elaborate works” period. 

                  The acting programs of ZhangjiajieCity were given the high appraisal by the leaders of the Party Central Committee, the Province and the Ministry in visiting. Jia Qinglin, member of Politburo Standing Committee and Chairman of the CPPCC, fully affirmed the entertainment industry of ZhangjiajieCity. The entertainment industry of ZhangjiajieCity rank is in a strong position in China commented Cai Wu, Minister of the Ministry of Culture. Zhou Qiang, Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, said that the national feature of “Misty Rain Zhangjiajie” is distinctive, “Zhangjiajie • Charm Western Hunan” has stepped out of Zhangjiajie and stepped forward the country and the world, and praised that “Tianmen fairy fox - New Liu Hai Chopping Wood” is “intricate, natural, Chinese and Western combined, forming ancient and modern delightful contrast” and it is a beautiful artistic enjoyment, and more importantly, it has set a benchmark for the province's cultural undertakings, cultural industry development and especially the combination of culture and tourism. Xu Shousheng, Vice Secretary of Provincial Party Committee and Governor of Hunan Province, deemed that Zhangjiajie Tourism not only keeps the tourists by the landscape, but also by the culture, and it builds up the high-quality entertainment products, so that the tourists are pleasure and enjoyable in s sight-seeing.
                  “Decision of CPC Central Committee on a number of major issues for deepening the cultural restructuring, and promoting the socialist cultural development and prosperity” was passed in 6th Plenary Session of 17th CPC Central Committee” to determine the struggling objective of cultural reform and development.

                  The cultural industry of ZhangjiajieCity, either in the infrastructure or in the industrial chain formation, exceeds the other same city. However, in the face of the whole economic system of the increasingly rapid social development, “Elaborate Work Zhangjiajie” is no longer a slogan of tourism banner, and it should be gorgeously turned by the high-quality cultural Zhangjiajie. We not only enable many visitors to experience the endless charm of Zhangjiajie landscape, but also enable everyone to feel the cultural charm of Zhangjiajie, as with like classic “Pursue Love”, to build a grand blueprint of cultural Zhangjiajie.


                  Although Zhangjiajie has placed crest of wave for many years in the tourism market, and the urban resident life quality has undergone the enormous changes. Right now, it is a reform golden opportunity of the country vigorously to develop the cultural industry, might as well on the base to keep the tourism output value, cultivate the reform and innovation of cultural industry, develop the cultural industry, such as cultural creativity, film and television production, publishing, printing and duplicating, advertising, performing arts and entertainment, cultural exhibition, digital network and animation industry.


                  By personal opinion, Zhangjiajie should also carry out a cultural infrastructure reform. Zhangjiajie people need the cultural system more appropriate to the life, the guests to visit Zhangjiajie also hope to see the important presentation of the local culture. Zhangjiajie look forward to undertake a number of national and even international cultural and sport matches, and also it should make great efforts in other cultural creativity, film and television production, publishing, cultural exhibition, etc.

                  In this good situation, Zhangjiajie has the national support in the policies and also has the inherent potential for development. The original tourism type “Elaborate Work Zhangjiajie” shall be turned into the culture-based grade Zhangjiajie, which will also enable the transformation and upgrading of the cultural industries to bring the new opportunities and new development direction for Zhangjiajie, to promote the faster and better development of Zhangjiajie.

               (The author is the member of Communist Youth League Zhangjiajie City Committee in Guangzhou Committee, and Chief Editor of Guangdong “Shunwei” Newspaper.)



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