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      1. Approach Red Stone Forest: Enjoy the scenery; feel the love

        from:Zhangjiajie News Network writer:Yan Hui Read:


        There is a spot called “Ice Stone Couple” in Xiang Xi Red Stone Forest. Since five billion years ago, tide rising then ebbing, stone growing then eroding, everything else is changing around, only these two stones keep the posture of snuggling up together for billion years.

        A beautiful tale about this spot is well known in Xiang Xi: long time ago, a girl from Tu Jia nationality fell in love with a boy from Miao nationality. However, people from different nationalities were not allowed to marry each other at that time, so these two young people buried their all love deep in their hearts. Until a day, a mysterious old man went to their dreams. This old man told them that they could meet each other if they went to somewhere on a mountain. The second day, they arrived the place at the same time.  Words failed them when they met and hugged each other tightly.

        Everything seemed so sweet and impressive, but somehow they were found by an evil Taoist when they were going to leave that wonderful place. The Taoist changed them to two ice peaks permanently. As time goes on, these two peaks were gradually growing into the posture of embrace. This is how the name of “Ice Stone Couple” comes from.

        This heartbreaking story intangibly lead us walk into Red Stone Forest to enjoy the scenery, but more important to feel the love.

        (Writer: Yan Hui)

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