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      1. Red Stone Forest, What Have You Discovered?

        from:Zhangjiajie News Network writer:Gao Chao Read:


        Red Stone Forest is such a novel finding, slumbering quietly in a west corner of Hunan. Though sea had eroded both of Red Store Forest and Zhang Jia, they have shaped wildly different as time goes by. Zhang Jia Jie has formed a majestic appearance with a wild inner; however, Red Stone Forest has created within soft spirit along with her fiery passion surface.

        The ancient sea here was a certain tender space. Although seawater had faded, unique red stones have been left. People can’t bear to touch the rocks here, because they are such delicate. They all belong to the same mother- Red Stone Forest, which you would be willing to become a guardian to cherish her, when you realize her grace and femininity.

        If we say that Zhang Jia Jie’s sea is a powerful man, Red Stone Forest’s sea would be regarded as a charming woman. They have experienced all the fading changes together, just as two lovers from billion years ago passing through all the vicissitudes of life. Even though they are overlooking each other in a long distance, they are still keeping the true feeling within very deep of heart. The eternal love they are pursuing is also what people are seeking for long time.

        The Tian Chi, Ren Chi, and Di Chi are eyes Red Stone Forest left to us. Let’s look around her from her outside, inner, and femininity. Starting from Yangtze Ancient Sea, passing through Ordovician Seabed, Hua Er Bao, Xiao Long Canyon, when you see Buddha Sitting on Lotus, Heavenly Dog Barking the Sun, Divine Tortoise Exploring the Sea and so on,
        what have you found?

        Beside all the beauty of Red Stone Forest has, her mystery also inspires us to discover… …

        (Writer: Gao Chao)

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